Health Update – May 2021

My health situation has continued to get worse. Brain issues including tinnitus, vertigo, brain zaps, general migraine along with anxiety and depression that comes with that are all a big challenge still. I have started reaching out to specialty clinics around the country in an attempt to find a root cause. I’ve tried diet and so many medications and supplements with only minor successes at best. I’ve taken short term disability with my day job and have had to limit my screen time to no more than 30-60 minutes a day. Sadly, using a screen or even just reading anything (even a paper book) exacerbates my symptoms. But I will keep fighting this and am determined to get stabilized. I feel like before all of this I was living life on easy mode. Now I have been giving a giant kick in the pants and if I get through this I hope that the rest of my life will be different, that I will be a better person, more driven to do good in the world and enjoy life’s experiences.

Thanks for visiting, best wishes and health to you!

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3 years ago

Hi Jeff, I’ve used and enjoyed your fingers unity asset for a long time, I hope you recover soon. I hope you get better soon and can continue contributing great assets to the Unity community ! All the best, Sergio

3 years ago

When you recover and get back on your feet, I hope and pray, that you will stand by everything that you’ve said and make a difference. Keep standing strong. May God give you strength to fight for your health.

3 years ago

Hey Jeff, my wife suffered from some sudden vertigo some time ago. It turned to be caused by some crystal in her inner ear that came loose. A very simple trick has fixed that for her! You can find a lot of instructions on Youtube searching for vertigo. This one helped us best: Cheers, Michiel btw: if you do this, it should work immediately. Also you can do it as many times you like, but after just one or two tries it could already be enough. btw2: if it helped, please check out my mail asking for your help… Read more »

3 years ago

Dear Jeff, Your health problems can have many causes. Apart from a wrong diet – I also include drinks, this can have physical reasons. I am not a doctor and far from suggesting a diagnosis or therapy. My experience is that exercise can be very beneficial and IT people usually don’t enjoy much exercise. I myself am very active in sports (running, cycling, swimming and kick-boxing) and therefore recommend at least going for a run. Migraine and tinnitus are issues that are unfortunately difficult to get under control. However, there are promising Neuro-Feedback therapies that may help. Depression is a… Read more »

Si Da
Si Da
3 years ago

Hi Jeff, I came from your gesture recognition video, that’s some really cool stuff you are making. It’s sad to see that you are having health issues, I hope it gets better for you.