About Me
I’m Jeff Johnson and I founded Digital Ruby, LLC in 2009. I worked thousands of long hours into the night on You Doodle in an attempt to quit my day job, which I did in October 2014. Now I am in a frenzy trying to support my family on a much more limited income. You Doodle is also available on Android.
I’ve dabbled in Unity plugins as well, please peruse them while you are here.
I also created IPBan, security software for Windows machines that eliminates many of the flaws in remote desktop, SQL Server and MySQL security when people try to hack your dedicated server.
I’ve done computer programming since I was 7 and enjoy playing games, table tennis and basketball. I’ve got a great wife, two very special daughters and two adorable pups. Even after 30 years of software development, I feel like a newbie. I’ve still got a lot to learn and room to grow.
I hope you enjoy your stay!
Here’s our two pups, Chewy (black/white) and Piper (brown/white):